Now each week the workout is announced from CrossFit HQ which happens to be during Tuesday night if you live in the UK. Every Wednesday for the past month, Alex has disappeared from beside me at about five am to log in and find out what lies in store for the coming week. This weeks wake up call came a little earlier than usual in the form of an unquotable text message from a fellow Reading CrossFitter which prompted a mad rush to the computer to find out what provoked such a comment to be sent at this extremely unsociable hour of the morning. This one was hard. In fact I would go so far as to describe it as borderlining on evil. Sixty bar-facing burpees, thirty overhead squats with fifty five kilos on the bar and then ten muscle ups. As many rounds as possible in ten minutes. Now the burpees are do-able. An athlete can pace themself and manage those even though sixty is quite a lot to do. Then comes the set of overhead squats - thirty of those whilst holding the bar overhead. Very big ouch! That really is a toughie. The muscle ups are the absolute killer. The athlete must pull him/herself up from a hanging position on a set of olympic rings and lock out their arms. This workout would well and truly take the competition to a whole new level...